Magnetic Eyeglasses
We offer a great selection of Magnetic Clips models from Aspex & Revolution for your glasses to be converted easily to sunglasses. Visit us today to learn more and try magnetic clips for yourself.
We offer a great selection of Magnetic Clips models from Aspex & Revolution for your glasses to be converted easily to sunglasses. Visit us today to learn more and try magnetic clips for yourself.
Transitions | Precision Optical Ok | Transition Variety With Description | Photochromic, VII, Extra Active, And More.
Digital Lens Surfacing | Precision Optical Ok | Lens Technology | This Is The Greatest Advancement In Lens Technology And Manufacturing Technique In Years.
Anti Reflection Coat | Precision Optical Ok | Surface Glare Info | This Is The Most Important Option You Can Add To Any Set Of Lenses.
Colors | Precision Optical OK | Choosing Certain Colors | Grey and G-15 Green Gray (Ray Ban color) is the best for all around use with no color shift.
Nu Polar & Coppertone | Precision Optical OK | Maximum UV Protection | These brands of lenses are polarized and come in different colors and bi focal types.
You should be able to have your glasses fit your unique style and have just the right pair of frames for your face.
That’s where we come in.
We have our resident Tulsa Optician George Dakil – who cares very deeply about helping Tulsa & Broken Arrow Residents to see the BEST they have ever seen!
Watch some of our videos to learn more about eyewear.